The San Juan County Auditor is seeking volunteers to write opposing arguments for measures on the ballot in the 2021 Primary Election. Two measures will be on the ballot. Both measures have “pro” committees, and both need “con” committees.

Lopez Island School District is seeking voter approval of a capital levy to fund projects to improve the District’s facilities and is requesting a property tax levy for five years beginning in 2022. The levy would improve the District’s facilities through construction, building repairs, upgrades to the water system, and other capital project expenditures.

Lopez Island Fire & EMS is seeking to authorize a property tax levy for ten years beginning in 2022. Fire & EMS have determined that the funding of EMS services on the island require more stable and consistent funding. If approved by the voters, this measure will authorize a ten-year emergency medical services (EMS) property tax levy at a rate not to exceed $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation.

Each committee may have up to three members, though members may seek the advice of any number of people to assist in developing the statements. Each committee’s statement must be submitted to San Juan County Elections no later than June 11.

If interested in serving on one of the committees, please contact San Juan County Auditor, Milene Henley at 360-370-7558 or mileneh@sanjuanco.com.