Sabrina Bailey and Millie Kau show off their "Best Overall" prizes and ribbons in the K-5 competition.

Sabrina Bailey and Millie Kau show off their “Best Overall Galley Master” prizes and ribbons in last year’s Elementary competition.

By Madie Murray

The Fourth Annual K-12 Student Chef Competition organized by the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program will be held this year on Saturday April 6.

It is one of the most exciting F2C events of the year and we expect this one to be the best ever.  As many recall, this event was instrumental in helping our two-time Student Chef winner, Arla Sutton, win a trip to the White House last August.

It’s time for all public school elementary, middle school and high school students, including Waldron, wishing to compete this year to submit their recipes!  The deadline to submit is March 15.  The cuisine of Mexico will be featured; and, as usual, the inclusion of local ingredients is required.

Guidelines for submitting recipes for the competition may be downloaded from the Farm to Cafeteria web site at “Student Chef Competition” page, or contact Madie Murray at 3371 or

The competition will be held in the Middle School Home Ec. Room on Saturday, April 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the entire community is invited to come watch throughout the day for free.  The competitors will be judged by a panel of five judges selected from the school and the community at large.

Last year, the competition featured recipes from the Caribbean. A delightful YouTube video of last year’s competition may also be viewed on the Farm to Cafeteria web site Student Chef page.