Helping Hands Noramise Director Rosedanie Cadet holds some of the artwork that will be sold at Millie's Antiques and Collectibles this week

Helping Hands Noramise (HHN), via director[intlink id=”7166″ type=”post”]Rosedanie Cadet[/intlink], is going to be showing the art of Tambour Creole Collective in Limbé, Haiti beginning Monday, August 23rd and continuing through Sunday, August 29th at Millie’s Antiques And Collectibles adjacent to the Kitchen in Eastsound.

The town of Limbé sits about 22 kilometers away from Haiti’s northern shore. Though it was far from the January earthquake that devastated the southern regions, the town has experienced a major shake-up in the wake of the quake. Towns like Limbé, with a population of roughly 50,000 people, have seen their populations swell by as much as 30 percent, as the sons and daughters who went to find work in Port-au-Prince now return home.  In disaster’s wake, a tenuous balance has been tipped for towns with an already-shaky infrastructure.  Lack of adequate sanitation, clean water, and food were already issues in Limbe before the quake, and the problems are only compounded now.

But according to Rosedanie Cadet, leader of Orcas Island-based relief organization HHN, a new Haiti can be born out of the tragedy.  Cadet envisions a Haiti where everyone has access to education, proper sanitation, and proper nutrition, and is working to foster that through Helping Hands Noramise.

On August 29,  other artists will join in by donating the proceeds of the sales of their work to HHN.  There will also be music, face-painting, and other festivities at Millie’s on that day. All are invited to come view and purchase the artwork

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