— from Kathleen Youngren —

All Orcas collectors of Art from Around the World are invited by the Orcas Center Visual Arts Committee to exhibit their treasures during the month of December in a unique show featuring favorite works of art assembled by local residents. “ART FROM AROUND THE WORLD” was one of the most popular exhibits last year and is repeated by popular demand.

We plan to fill the lobby and Madrona Room walls with original indigenous art including paintings, sculpture, textiles, masks, puppets – and all interesting creations you would like to share with the community. Orcas Center will be alive with concerts, parties, and “A Christmas Carol” in December, and the exhibit will remain up until January 3rd, 2018. Please tell your friends and any other collectors you know and invite them also to share their favorite pieces in this unusual show.

Stories about where and how your art was found are a welcome addition. Just bring your objects (and a typed story if you wish) to Orcas Center on Wednesday, November 29th, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and plan to attend the opening reception on Friday, December 1, from 5.30 to 7 p.m. This singular show promises to reflect the the wide-ranging interests of our Orcas community, many of whom have traveled extensively across the globe and will be sharing some of their favorite works of indigenous art.

If you have any questions about participating in the show, call Pat Littlewood at 360-376-3050, or Mary Jane Elgin, at 360-376-2755.