Philomena Robinson, left, and Anita Holladay, with one of Robinson's art books on display in front of them

Local Artist and Author Philomena Robinson will present two Book Classes for “Parent & Child” or “Grandparent & Child” on the next two Saturdays, March 19 and 26 at the Orcas Public Library. The classes will be held from 1:30 to 4:30, and will accommodate 8 persons, at a cost of $40 per person, which includes supplies.

Later this spring, on Saturday, April 23, Robinson will teach another Artist’s Book Class from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Library. The cost of $40 includes paste paper, paper cuts and sewn bindings with multiple signatures.

This September, the glass case in the library is reserved for student created Artist’s Books.

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