— from Bruce Adkins —

While stationed in Germany
Ed Wilson had eight wheels
The first four belonged to a 1960 Volkswagen bug
40 horses of economic reliability
Light and susceptible to high winds or passing semis, hills and
tight corners
yet practical as a Bavarian hiking boot
The other four wheels
more like an expensive Italian dress shoe
belonged to an
Alpha Romeo Spider with twice the stable
Ed loved his Alpha
A true sports car
Renown for it’s engineering and easy of handling
At 110 miles per hour on the Autobahn
Ed put it through its paces
One day on a country road
He imagined he was Sterling Moss driving in a Grand Prix
The scenery blurred as he sped past
As he approached a very windy section of the road
Ed smiled because this was the exactly the type of road the
Alpha was built for
Suddenly he noticed something
His eyes expanded
His face whitened as he quickly downshifted and applied the brakes
He was driving the bug