In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

— by P. K. Littlewood —

Down home, it is said,
Not behind, nor beside,
But low, like under,
Down low, like close,
Low down, like near,
Like inside, like home.

Home base,
Like baseball,
Rounding the bases,
Making it home.

I feel at home,
Not at house.
I am at home,
Not just at house.
In the house, then out of a house,
High up on the housetop.
Close to home,
Or far from home,
I turn back to my hometown.

A house is a structure,
… object, a tangible thing.
A home is a belonging,
… instinct, a feeling.
Home can be many places,
…..many feelings, many instincts.
Home is conceptual, perceptual,
…..fraternal, eternal.

What is a house plant?
Why can’t we shop at House Depot?
When cooped inside, we become housebound,
Yet sailors rejoice their journeys homeward bound.

We come home to God,
But worship in His house.
Hestia, goddess of hearth and fire,
Guardian of home and family.
Hestia tends the holy house,
Altar, sanctuary, immovable,
…..primal, virginal.

Chicken coop,
Cow barn,
Bird’s nest,
Dog house,
Whore house,
Animal shelter,
Old Folks’ Home,
Funeral home,
Leaving home,
Returning home,
Coming home.
Where is home?
Knock, knock—anybody home?