In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

On the Ganges

At Benares—
Most sacred city in all of India
There are those paragons, who
In the cool of the day
Cotton diapers drooping
Perform watery rituals
To hold together
The fabric of the Universe
While the rest of us in spandex
Drive across the river
In the heat of the day
To perform the daily rituals
Of tearing it asunder.

© EA Dean

Missive #101

Are you angry that I got old,
Is it gravity that galls you?
My dear, you must know
These fissures and runnels
Made by life’s storied storms
Are worn with a certain pride—
The map of where I have been—
A chart of the territory of love.
I hear they can be erased,
Can be made smooth,
Is that what you want?
If so, you must visit me
In my next incarnation—
I will watch for you.

© EA Dean