In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.
At a recent Pop Up Hip Hop Cafe, Lily Fangz asked the audience for words about Orcas. This is what she created:


– Lily Fangz —

trust the source of
self-love as it blows the winds of
healing through
the joy center of
the hummingbird heart
compassion lands with
resonance and drips from a morning tree
we step into circle
…….the essence of community
courage coupled with a cup of
……abundance and
connection it seems that we have landed
gently walk in a way where we aspire
to inspire
……to let
intuition guide the kindling to the fire
peace upon the back of whales
as their lineage teaches us graceful
dance within the vortex
and dart in the orcatraz
kingdom of eelgrass and cedar
wisdom within the windy wings
of a marked Madrona
Deva in the eagle eye viewpoint
highest concentrate of golden
aged essence
……presence, you ARE