Lie to Me – (Parental Advisory Version ~ but hopefully not Restricted)

by B. Sadie Bailey

Tell me more, maintain
my bemused amusement, dear
Whisper nihilistic narcissistic nothings
in my infected ear

Take my money, honey
foreclose my home and hopes
Throw my bilious bones to banksters
suck the marrow, bleed me
with leeches

Encode ecocide
in my unhinged jaw;
make me watch
as you bomb and drill
kill children
pillage the planet

but you say there’s no climate change
the west is burning
and the east explodes,
oceans fart methane;
the earth retches

break me
bend me low
under your steel-studded boot-toe
you want me to smile,
say i’m fine it’s fabulous
while you screw me from behind

tweet the twisted
twitter twizzle
from your maggoty mouth;
gimme gossip, grisly genocide –
download the down-low from drones
onto my cell phone,
death-star radio-waves
rebounding ’round my brain

give me more pain
i can take it –
just a little leak runs down my cheek
pressure-cooker steam
sears my dying dreams;
teakettle screams

shoot another pipeline;
directional-drill it through my chest
black death
snakes through my veins
makes me insane –

don’t turn your back, don’t slack,
my rage runs rogue;
excuse me mister
while i lock and load –
spit truth
to expose you,
disclose you –

restitutions owed 3/4/18