In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

On the Necessity of Angels

— by John Friedmann —

Wer, wenn ich schrie, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?                                          (Rilke)

I met an angel on the street today.
His clothes were tattered, his wings
tucked in. “Angel,” I said,
“where were you when I needed you?”
Barely listening,
he shrugged his shoulder and turned
his hands palm outward, as if to say,
“why do you ask? I have nothing
to give you.” Then he was gone.
A faint smell of jasmine
lingered in the air.

If I met him again, I would
tell him: “Perhaps you have no message
for me, perhaps I am a person of no
consequence, there are so many of us,
it wouldn’t surprise me. But who,
if not you, will protect me, who listen
to the inarticulate cries of my soul?
Who will forgive what I have done
Or neglected?”

The legions of angels are many,
our needs are great. Perhaps
I will be lucky tomorrow.