In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

…………………For Susan
by Michelle Reed

First, find a woman
with slender hands,
then peer into her display
and notice the neat rows
of champagne truffles, blackberry
milk chocolate squares, salted
caramels. Request the one your tongue
wants to know, the caramel
for instance, and the woman
will tell you it tastes best
if you turn the chocolate
over, salt-side down and allow
it to dissolve on your tongue.
As the caramel melts
into the slim shape of a moon
you’ll notice your mouth
and its cousins, tongue
and teeth, become parts
of a play, perhaps one you had not
planned on seeing, where the main
character goes soft in the sun.
He does not get the girl and does not
ride away on a strong horse
but simply sits on his porch
near tall grass and a wide, lazy river
licking his lips and thinking of chocolate.