In celebration of National Poetry Month, the 3rd annual Spotlight on Local Poets on April 10 will feature an evening of poetry by Orcas Island poets.  Interested poets are invited to submit their work to be considered for this juried presentation.

All interested writers are invited to submit poems to JoEllen Moldoff who will select 12-15 poets to read.  Three to five poems totaling no more than 5 single-spaced pages should be emailed to by February 25th, along with name, phone number, email and mailing address.

Twelve to fifteen poets will be selected to read, each for about five minutes.  We are looking for a variety of writing styles and subject matter to create an enjoyable evening of poetry.

Moldoff, who will also coordinate and host the reading, will look for a variety of writing styles and subject matter to create a provocative and enjoyable evening of poetry.

The showcase will be in Orcas Center’s OffCenter Stage at 7:30 pm on Saturday, April 10. Tickets are $13 and $9 for students and may be purchased at the Orcas Center box office Thursday-Saturday, noon – 4 pm, or visit

If you have questions, please email or phone 376-7680.