In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

Kayaking in the Liquid Painting

— Didier Gincig —

Kayaking in the liquid painting in the place of the porpoises

Mount Baker to the east, Waldron and Canada to the west where the remaining light pleases my soul;

Sounds of breathing, surfacing ubiquitous porpoises are heard from a distance;

Small waves make music on the most northwest point of the island; my soul tingles with joy.

Simple being, alone in a kayak, swaying comfortably to the rhythm of the Mother

Waves travel under the yellow boat that is my sofa on the sea. 

My pores are wide open; a feast for the senses to enjoy, in joy, nowhere to go, nothing to do; 

No one to be, all in an arena of love. 

Surrendering, letting go, drifting nowhere in the waters off Point Doughty, the most northwest point on the island;

I am as the pieces of drifting kelp, enjoying freedom, witness to the source.