In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

— by David Densmore —

Beneath the bright Cerulean sky of Spring
We sit and lie on blankets strewn below
The spidery branches of the humming tree

Cherry blossoms spun by light
Into a phosphate candy cloud cling
And clamber up the finest reach
of each far flung limb

Ruby throated sugar freaks whir
Incessant motors’ fan belt squeaks
Pierce the clouds with lightning beaks
To free base the milk of the sun

A squadron droning in pink Heaven
Bees crisscross seduced by the scent
They drag fat duffels from bar to bar coating
Their hairy knees with the sticky substance of sex
We two sit with our mirror doubles
Not our children but in some way inheritors
Of those tasks which we are not free to give up
But are not required nor likely to complete

There, with youth, in the afternoon light poised
At the melancholy edge of the celebration of spring
That that which is fleeting is most precious
the breeze frees a few petals to fall

“Pink snow” you say.

Remembering Meiji shrine in moonlight
Families gathered under ancient trees
Saki toasts, ladies kneeling in kimonos
Among swirling drifts of blossoms

“Better than yellow snow” says your double

Remembering whatever it is that the young remember