In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

After Hours

A crystal clear night…
Millions of stars overhead
And somewhere over you,
In the inky night, those
Same constellations
Glow with ancient light.

As I thread my way
In the dark and marvel
At the brilliance above,
A perfect calm descends.

I take refuge in the stillness
And the silence.
I am relieved of my burdens.
And I am reminded,
Once again, as I am every night
Of the gentle and telling
Hand of guidance.

We are two, you
And I, resting
Beneath the cover of darkness.
Left to ponder the mysteries
That abound in and around us.
Left to recognize and then,
Reconcile the magic
Of our coming together
After the passage
Of so many moons.

As the wheel turns
And we sleep,
Countless unanswered
Questions remain.
And with them
New songs to sing,
New paths to choose,
As well as new lives to be lived.

Wrapped in such mystery
I can only marvel
At the sum of all there is
Both before and between us.

In the depth of night,
All things seem possible.

© Robin DiGeorgio