In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

by Shannon Borg

One thing is said in this room —
…….memory, memory, memory
………………..almond-shaped room I shuffle through,

back to the wall. My debts are here — fill
……….and fail, a bowl of dry forthrightness,
………………..rumpled bed of honesty. The dog says

fang and fur. Funny how to floor goes
……….from room to room, saying wood, wood,
………………..would you walk with me. My father failed

only in that he misfiled my life, missed
……….me under love, put me under must. Files are kept
………………..behind this door and when you open,

you open, you open yourself.
……….The chair says sit for chrissake.
………………..The window, lookwhydoncha.

Out that eye is a boat for carrying
……….a hat for the weather. That far shore
……………… not in this room, no tomorrow’s dark mouth.

This room (you know what it says)
……….Walk to the tree in the corner, there,
……………… the saw that says push me, pull me.

The gun on the wall. Choose
……….what to do here: hand the clock
………………’s dice, throw the bowl a dollar.

Then stay. Listen to caliper, caliper,
……….caliper, to basket, bread and bud.
………………..Stay until you find what your alphabet

says: ordain, ordeal, order,
……….morose, morph and morrow.
………………..Until you find the empty coat,

the voice to fill it, one arm
……….at a time, a button, a button