— by Lin McNulty —

windAs the wind speeds begin to rise in our beloved Northwest corner, provided the power stays on, here a couple of fun links from which to watch the arriving storm.

Earth.nullschool.net and WindyTV.com provide meteorological and artistic views of the storm that is now entering landfall.

During the predicted storm event, OIFR is urging residents to follow the recommendations laid out by the Department of Emergency Management.

  • Islanders should STAY HOME SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SUNDAY; and stay off of roads until winds are done and initial clean up has happened.
  • Secondly, be careful with candles, generators, propane heaters and stoves, and always follow all manufacturer directions for use.
  • Finally, we need your help to check on one another when it is safe to do so, especially those who may be more vulnerable. We urge residents in need to utilize shelter services available Saturday night at the Community Church and Sunday at Odd Fellows.

This may require hanging on to just more than our  hats. Stay warm and dry. Be safe. Orcas Issues will post updates as necessary, and as power supplies permit.