— from Galen Burdhardt —

Each year for the past several years, David Gutteridge (an English friend of ours whom we lovingly call the poet laureate of Emmanuel Episcopal Church) has written a poem in anticipation of Market Day. I think this event, which used to be called the St. Agnes Day Fair, has been held on the last Saturday of July for as long as anyone can remember. In any case, it is a delightful affair, and here is David’s latest offering.

MARKET DAY 2014 – from Orcas through the Looking-Glass

Tis brillig and the mighty whales
Do feed and frolic in the Sound:
Soon coming are Emmanuel sales
In their church yard and ground.

Now don’t forget that Market Day
Will very soon be here: where Sid
-ney Robert Spencer Gray our
Orcas church constructed.

So shoogle through your frabjous trove:
Add something beamish to the mix
Of treasures in our Eastsound grove
On July 26.

‘Tis brillig on our Market Day
At 242 Main Street. “Come buy!
Eat brats, meet friends, Callooh, Callay.
We’ll welcome you – draw nigh!”