— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues Reporter —

Once again the Port Commission has run afoul of the rules governing public meetings, this time resulting in the cancellation of the special meeting that had been scheduled for Tuesday, January 28.

The meeting was cancelled based on an opinion provided by the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), a nonprofit organization that helps local governments across Washington State by providing legal and policy guidance. The opinion was requested by Commissioner Pierrette Guimond. According to the MSRC, if a decision is to be made by the Commission at a special meeting, the agenda must specify the business to be transacted rather than simply refer to ‘unfinished business’ as was done in the advance meeting notice.

In other words, by not specifying in the meeting notice that the agenda was to address the ongoing management of the airport in the wake of last week’s resignation of former acting manager Dwight Guss, the Commission was legally unable to make any decisions related to this topic.

At this time, there is no word on when another meeting might be scheduled.