— from Susan Anderson for Children’s House —

Cast and crew for Honorary Mayor of Eastsound race at the final debate hosted by The Barnacle.

Two candidates’ campaign promises for a healthy lifestyle and waste-free environment kept our village from “going to the dogs” in the 10th Annual Honorary Mayor of Eastsound race.

Last-minute campaigning by miniature horse Ginger and bunny Tinker paid off during the final hours and pushed Tinker into an insurmountable lead. In the end, Mayor Hudson exchanged the key to the village with Tinker, whose 3,801 votes exceeded Ginger’s 3,166. Sgt. Pepper leapfrogged into third with 852 votes and Rocky finished with 631 votes.

The annual fundraiser benefits Orcas Island Children’s House. This year the candidates, their managers, and supporters raised $8,450 for the school.

Cover photo: Holding Tinker, campaign manager Wendy Shinstine accepts the key to the Village.