The Hope, a new book by Andrew Harvey, discusses Sacred Activism

Sacred Activism will be the topic of two workshops led by Andrew Harvey on Lopez and San Juan islands on May 14-15.

Andrew Harvey has published more than twenty books including: Son of Man, The Return of the Mother, Teachings of Rumi, Teachings of the Christian Mystics, and most recently, The Hope–A Guide to Sacred Activism and Heart Yoga–The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism.

He is a Fellow of All Souls College Oxford, and has taught at Oxford College, Cornell University, the California Institute of Integral Studies, the University of Creation Spirituality and various spiritual centers throughout the United States. Andrew Harvey was the subject of the 1993 BBC film documentary, “The Making of the Modern Mystic.”  He is the Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism in Oak Park, Illinois, where he now lives.

Deepak Chopra, author of Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul has said, “

“As a fellow Sacred Activist, I support and applaud the dedication of Andrew Harvey to bridge the gap between spirituality and activism… The Hope is a must read for anyone seeking to birth a new humanity.”
Harvey will be at Lopez Island on May 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at a location to be announced.  The Sacred Activism workshop costs $75. To register, contact : Rhea Miller or Sandy Bishop at 360-468-3654 or at

On Saturday, May 15, the Sacred Activism Workshop will take place at the Yoga Path at 849 C Spring Street, Friday Harbor from 11:30 a.m. to  5:30 p.m..
This schedule accommodates both inter-island ferry and Anacortes ferry.
Transportation from Friday Harbor ferry terminal is available at 11:15 a.m..  The cost is $75. To register, contact Janet Thomas at 378-3854 or email