— from Emilie Gincig for Funhouse Commons —

The winner of the Richie Moore Rocket Ship of Wonder Award for 2018 was Angelina Riddle. Angelina’s Science project was called Walking Water. She did a demonstration of how water moves through Cellulose. The Wandering Wizards (judges) said that Angelina had a detailed presentation and showed a deep understanding of the subject she studied. Angelina is a 5th grader at Salmonberry School.

The Wandering Wizards would like to give an honorable mention to Calvin Saxe and Kristian Freeman for their presentation What Liquid Melts Color Off M & M’s the Quickest?

We had three projects tie for first place in the middle/high school division. Each project was exceptional, and received $333, to be redeemed when they are accepted into a post secondary program.

The winners are:

Theodore J. Vaccarella, Age 12, 6th Grade, Orcas Island Middle School- Just Dough It: “I made dough with flours that contain different amounts of protein and tested the texture to see how protein affects the texture.”

Isabella Evans and Gray Gailey, Age(s) 13, 7th Grade, Orcas Island Middle School- Stereotypes: “Stereotypes are a problem that plagues our society. We conducted an experiment to see how it affects the younger generation.”

William Stephens, Age 12, 6th Grade, Orcas Island Middle School- What Cooking Method Preserves the Most Vitamin C in Carrots: “I cooked carrots in three different ways and then I tested them for Vitamin C.”

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