Cutline Photos: Margie Doyle

Runners and pancakes set the pace for the day. Photos: Margie Doyle

Pancake breakfast at the Eastsound Fire Hall
Undersheriff Bruce Distler joined Sparky and Orcas Volunteer Firefighters to the Pancake Breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. this morning.

The line of Orcas Volunteer Firefighters rescued the public from hunger and starvation as they cooked a record-breaking breakfast. The Fire Hall was filled with people at tables with red-checkered tablecloths … and they kept on coming all morning long.

Inside the Fire Hall, Fire Safety Displays, including a kids tent and mock campfire, reminded visitors of fire-safe practices, inside and out, all year around.

Outside, Fire Trucks and ambulances were open for exploration and information. Kids got their own firefighter hats for the day.

As soon as breakfast ended, Lions Club volunteers began the set-up for their Salmon Barbecue, from 1 to 7 p.m. today — or until food stores last!

Funhouse Commons 5K run (and 1K for kids!)

Right at 9 a.m., some 69 runners took off from the Eastsound Village Green on a benefit 5K run for the Funhouse Commons. Funhouse Director Pete Moe and Staff Krista Bouchey then high-tailed it to the finish line, on the trail just west of the Eastsound Fire Hall, where they welcomed each finisher with rousing cheers.

Martha Farish, Orcas Island Parks and Recreation Commissioner, directed traffic and runners along Enchanted Forest Road before the turnoff to the last leg of the Funhouse Commons 5K/1K benefit run.

Some runners then went back to pick up their still-running friends to see them over the finish line

Krista Bouchey was thrilled with the turnout: “Our goal was 50 runners — and we got 69! Last year we had 24… this is great!”