Monday, February 1 – March 21, Orcas Center

— from Jake Perrine —

Learn about, and participate in the artistic and technical aspects of theatrical design while staging a show at the Orcas Center!

Longtime theatre artist Jake Perrine will present a series of classes that will introduce you to the basics of set, light, costume, and sound design while simultaneously staging the upcoming Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Shakespeare Festival on April 1 and 2. Members of the class are invited to participate in the building and/or running crew for the show’s performances, which is set in modern times, and promises to have some adventurous technical aspects.

Participation in the class is free, or by optional donation. It will meet Monday nights from 6-8pm at Orcas Center’s Center Stage from 2/1 to 3/21 (8 classes). No previous experience is necessary – only a creative spirit and a willingness to participate in a team effort. To sign up, email Jake at