Both this Friday and Saturday evenings, Orcas talent will entertain and amuse audiences at the Orcas Center as a benefit for the Orcas Island Recreation Program (Orcas Rec).

Musicians appearing at the concert include Charly Robinson, Jeff Zbornik, Pamela Wright, Skye Hovelman, Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz . Other local talent appearing at the Rec Program benefit will be Dustin Fox and Woody Ciskowski. In addition, there will be talent from Seattle. 

Interspersed throughout the concert will be improvisational skits, featuring the members of the original “Legion of Terror,” Woody Ciskowski and Peter Vinson. The two were in one of the first improv groups John Clancy mentored on the island, and will be joined by current improv actors, Rhys Thompson, Aidan and Halley McCormick, as well as by Clancy himself.

Clancy says, “I’m really looking forward to it. There’s a lot of high energy. The young kids are having fun with  the older ones and we’re all working together really well. It’s fun to be a  part of it.”

Orcas Rec has experienced severe drastic cuts from the County, which underwrote its administration. It continues to offer a variety of enriching opportunities for children and youth from 2-18 on Orcas Island.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for Orcas Center Members, and $10 for students.

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