by Margie Doyle

“Let us will to live as well as die for our country.”
from the American Legion Observances Handbook

At 11 a.m. on Nov. 11, veterans and other members of the public gathered at the American Legion Hall on Crescent Beach Road to honor “the service of veterans of all wars.”

This government holiday was formerly known as Armistice Day (laying down of arms), since its beginning at the close of World War I.

The Legion Hall on Orcas Island was standing room only as the American Legion color guards began the ceremonial observance. Janice Ghazel sang Lee Greenwood’s “Pledge of Allegiance,” with Dave Resch adding spoken words.  Mary Boberg explained the “Table for One” display in giving tribute to those veterans Missing in Action or Prisoners of War (MIA/POW).

Legion officers then spoke. Bishop Craig Anderson offered a prayer following his comments:”Grant, O God, that those closest to the fallen may mingle the pain of their losses with the ennobling light of sacrifice for a better world for this and other generations yet unborn. Grant the wisdom to form a brotherhood which will strive to further the arts of peace under law and ethics blessed by Thy love.”

Bob Folk read: War has taught us the lesson of obedience to command… There is a greater discipline we must now pursue if we are to preserve this virtue of obedience in our quest for an honorable world peace. That is obedience to the laws we, ourselves, make —  the voluntary discipline of citizenship.

Letters to veterans written by elementary school students were handed out to veterans attending the ceremony.

All veterans were asked to stand as “Taps” was played at the close of the ceremony. The Sons of the American Legion served refreshments following the observance.