Legion Auxiliary and Sons open for membership too

— from Judi Resch —

The American Legion Post #93 is holding a membership drive on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at the post home, 793 Crescent Beach Dr. from 3:00 – 10:00 p.m. The public is invited to visit the post and talk with members of the Post, Auxiliary, and Sons units.

The American Legion post members are veterans who have served in the military during recognized military action periods. The Orcas American Legion was chartered in September, 1934. The post is very active in providing support to veterans and the various organizations that provide services to the veterans.

They are also active in the community and also award two to four scholarships each year to graduating seniors. Their major fundraisers are the annual Fishing Derby and the annual Turkey Shoot. They also host the monthly Pancake Breakfast (the last Sunday of every month except December). These fundraisers provide the needed dollars for the ongoing veteran support programs and the annual scholarship awards.

The American Legion auxiliary members are wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters, and sisters of veterans eligible to belong to an American Legion Post. The Orcas American Legion Auxiliary Unit #93 was chartered On February 20, 1935.
The primary function of this group of women is to assist the American Legion Post #93 in their endeavors and to provide aid to other veterans. The auxiliary is also involved in many other activities throughout the year, both locally and at the state level.

Their primary fundraisers are the annual Turkey Shoot dinner and the annual Christmas Bazaar and Basket Raffle. These events provide the funds for their local projects (Kaleidoscope, Orcas Island Mercy Flight Fuel Fund, Orcas Rec Program, etc.) as well as for the veteran support activities (Veterans Hospital Gift Shops, Fisher Houses, USO’s, and Canteen Books). The auxiliary also has an ad program each year to help fund the three to five scholarships they award each year.

The S.A. L (Sons of the American Legion) members are men that have served in the military in non-war periods or who have a parent or grandparent that have served during recognized military action periods. The Orcas S.A. L. Squadron #93 was chartered in November of 2002.

The Sons host various fundraisers throughout the year to give help and support to the community and the post. Some of these events have been Bingo, Outpost BBQs, and dinners. Each year they make two trips to the mainland to purchase shoes for Orcas children; 80 plus pair each trip.

All three units have members in the Color Guard, which serves at memorial services and funerals, marching in parades, and provides support for other veteran activities.

The American Legion Post #93, Auxiliary Unit #93, and SAL Squadron #93 invite you to become a member and join the team that makes the kind of difference in our community that the American Legion is well known for.