Derby on Jan. 18-19 coincides with Membership Drive

 — from Dave Resch —

The 35th Annual Salmon Derby will take place on January 18 and 19,

There are fish out there and good tides for some good fishing. The entry fee is $50 per person — registration required by midnight on Friday, January 17.

First prize for the biggest salmon is $1,100, and over $2,600 in prize money given out on Sunday night at 7 p.m. Sign ups take place each day this week at the Legion Hall near Country Corner (376-4987), or by mail.

Even if you’re not fishing, come and have dinner and check out the fish in the boat. Dinners are served each night: Friday night — tasty cheeseburgers; Saturday — spaghetti; Sunday Hot turkey sandwich with potatoes, stuffing and gravy!

Saturday night door prizes are awarded to those who have entered the derby BUT you must be present to win a door prize. The Salmon Derby committee is busy with many chores to make this a successful derby! For more information, rules and registration cards, go to

The annual membership drive will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18. The public is welcome to come and enjoy the Legion lounge. Call 376-4987 for more information.