Introduction to Amateur Radio by Greg Hancock by Zoom: Tuesday, September 13, 7-8pm

Amateur Radio (ham radio) brings people, science, and communication together. Radio operators use ham radio between islands, across the oceans, and even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones and often without the power grid. Join Greg Hancock, amateur radio expert, to learn more about this form of communication on Tuesday, September 13, 7-8pm. Greg will also talk about the benefits of obtaining an amateur radio license through the Federal Communications Commission and invite you to participate in the upcoming proctored exam at Orcas Senior Center on Saturday, October 29.

To join the Introduction to Amateur Radio presentation by Zoom, go to the Calendar of Events page at orcasseniors.org on Tuesday, September 13, 7-8 p.m. For more information, reach out to Greg Hancock directly at 360-375-7144 or greg@agadaga.com. To join the class, follow the link below at the designated time.