Just because we can’t gather in person, doesn’t mean we can’t connect through art!  

— from Glenn Hendrick for Alchemy Art Center —

In lieu of the in-person classes and workshops that had been planned for the spring, Alchemy Art Center is now introducing a series of free/donation art opportunities via live Zoom classes, as well as a community mural project, to provide islanders with much-needed creative outlets they can do at home during this challenging time.  

Thanks to the support of the San Juan Island Community Foundation, Alchemy is currently offering two live online ceramics classes per week, one for kids and families and one for adults, with more online classes in the works.  There are also “Clay to Go” and “Bisqueware to Go” packages available for more independent workers.

In addition to developing a roster of online classes, Alchemy has begun an ambitious mural project with the help of islanders!  Beginning with a 15-foot King Salmon mosaic, Alchemy is planning a rich visual exploration of the Salish Sea environment, exploring themes of interconnectedness.

The King Salmon, designed by Executive Director Maria Michaelson, is made up of hundreds of ceramic tiles, each fitting together like a puzzle to create a whole.  Community members are helping to bring this work into reality by creating the tiles from their homes, using a “to go” pack of clay and tile templates provided by Alchemy. There are already 30 community members participating in this project!  The salmon is just the first component of a larger scene and, once it is completed, another creature will begin. 

Alchemy’s goal in creating this project is to bring the island community together through art, providing a creative outlet and common goal.  In addition, they hope this mural project will be able to provide employment to local artists during the installation phase.

“We believe that art is essential, especially in times of crisis. That’s why we are redirecting our resources into providing ways for people to be creative and connect with each other, if they can’t get together in person.”

To participate in Alchemy’s at-home projects and classes, or to donate to these projects, visit www.alchemyartcenter.com and look under the “Art From Home” tab.

Alchemy Art Center, founded by Maria Michaelson and Eben Shay in 2017, is a non-profit arts organization dedicated to creating a thriving arts community on San Juan Island.

For more information about Alchemy, visit our website.