Lesley Liddle, AKC Certified CGC Evaluator, is offering an AKC STAR PUPPY CLASS for dogs under a year old, which is 6 weeks long beginning next Wednesday (Odd Fellow’s Hall) and the cost is $120 due at the first class. There is a small additional fee for the test day plus a nominal fee ($5.00) to register your STAR puppy with the AKC.

The AKC CANINE GOOD CITIZEN CLASS for adult dogs is 8 weeks long beginning this coming Monday (Oddfellow’s Hall) and the cost is $140. Again, there is a small additional fee to cover the testing day plus a nominal fee of $5.00 to register your dog with AKC for certification.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds, but there is a limit to the class size as Lesley prefers small classes. If there are more than six dogs to a class she will add another session. To sign up for a class contact Lesley at 376 6220.