— from Bob Waunch for Airhawks Flying Club —

The airlines need pilots, and the military needs pilots. There is a critical shortage and that shortage is going to continue for many years.

Forecasts estimate that the number of new pilots required worldwide by 2020 will be in the hundreds of thousands. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young people who are looking for a great career in aviation.

The Airhawks Flying Club has just announced a special program for youth students:

  • The Club Membership is $250 instead of $500.
  • The aircraft rental rate is $80 instead of $100 an hour; comparable aircraft rent for $120 – $150 an hour.

Colleges and Advanced Flight Training School and now, some airlines, are offering special incentives and rapid advancement.

Having a pilot’s license before enrolling in these advanced programs is a distinct advantage.
For everyone else, that is already out of school, who also might have an interest in aviation, a flying club is the least expensive way to learn and to continue flying because of the shared expenses.
Airhawks presently has one aircraft that is used for instruction and rental but plans to obtain an additional aircraft as club membership grows.

How does a trip to Bellingham in :08 minutes sound, or to Seattle in :50 minutes? Flying to the mainland is cheaper than the ferry, more convenient because you can go when you want, and it is a lot quicker.

Contact Bob Waunch at 376-2450 for further details about the Special Program for youth or regular club memberships for adults.