— from Rosie Kuhn —

There is no doubt about it – we are all experiencing aging. And, how we choose to participate in our own personal experience of aging – well that’s a very curious matter – I think! We can ignore, deny, distract, and avoid the fact that we are aging, but we can’t not age!

A couple of years back, I wrote a series of articles for Orcas Issues related to aging. I was so happy with the results that I published those articles in a book I called, Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? Recently, I’ve taken the same theme into a podcast, and over the past three months I’ve created nearly 50 podcasts related to various aspects of aging. Fittingly, I thought it might be fun to share some of what occurred in those podcasts with you here in Orcas Issues to bring it back full circle. 

To give you a bit of back story, Aging Like a Guru – Who Me?, originated as a group that I began at the Senior Center in January 2017. That first group meeting led to a small group of people that have been together for nearly two and a half years – and a second group has just begun. (If you are interested, contact the Orcas Senior Center to get on the list!)

The intention of the group, the writing, the book, the podcast, and now these blogs, was and still is, to engage each of us in being curious about ourselves. By reflecting on what it’s really like inside the process of aging, and sharing what it’s like to be in these bodies that continually shift and change, we become more self-aware of who we really are within the experience of being human, within the process of aging.

You might ask, “What’s the point of all this self-reflection crap?!” Well, what people are finding, especially in the group, is that, first of all, they realize they aren’t alone in how they think and feel. Second of all, by reflecting on what it’s like inside their experience, each individual realizes the degree to which they are, in many ways, creating unnecessary suffering for themselves. Yes, though we may be powerless over the reality of aging bodies, we have power to choose to think differently about who we are inside these bodies that just won’t stop sliding into encroaching decrepitude.

With realization of what’s really happening while we are aging, comes smiles of recognition from those of us who identify with the fact that we, too, may be creating unnecessary suffering. And with that realization comes self-awareness – and with that comes the opportunity to choose differently, if something other than suffering is desired. So self-awareness = the possibility of less suffering!

For me, all of this talking, reflecting, and writing brings personal empowerment to every individual, regardless of their age; and it brings hope and inspiration, where perhaps that has been lacking for a very long time. So, for a while, I’ll offer up opportunities to be curious about who you are in this human process of aging. We could have fun with it! That’s what I’m counting on.

And, if you are curious to hear more, including interviews, you are welcome to listen to the podcast at AgingLikeaGuru.Podbean.com. To see more blogs, books, and videos from Dr. Rosie, or to sign up for coaching, explore her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com. Her podcast is aginglikeaguru.podbean.com

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