thriller group 2

Musical Theater Youth Troupe perform Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Photo courtesy of Keri Lago. The next series of dance classes will be to music from "Grease," starting May 1. Adult classes are also offered.

“Rock on the Rock Singers” and “Musical Theater Youth Troupe” are returning to the Orcas Center for another nine-week series directed by Grace McCune.

The “Musical Theater Youth Troupe” will meet every Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 p.m., starting May 1 for nine-weeks. The class is provided for kids who want to explore the fun of musical theater. This series will focus on learning songs from the musical “Grease” along with choreography by Rene Hunt.

The “Rock on the Rock Singers” will meet every Tuesday from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. starting May 1 for nine weeks. For this series, by popular demand, they will be learning moves and grooves of some of Motown’s greatest hits.

“This fun and highly entertaining group provides a great outlet for singers of all types,” said Grace McCune. ”If your favorite place to sing is in your car or shower, this choir is for you.”

Rehearsals for both groups will be held on the Orcas Center stage for the month of May and in the Off-Center stage for the month of June culminating in a free performance open to friends and family on June 26.

To register for either class, show up on the day and time of the first class. There are no auditions. The cost is $75 for the nine-week series.

Email with any questions.