October 7 – 13, 2013

by Triana Elan, Astrologer

Of course, when I read the word “positive” in the title of this column, I know the immediate response by many will be, “According to whom?” Let’s look at a few things. The higher levels have shown themselves to be a ship of fools all the way around due to the Scorpio stellium shoving secrets out into the open and Neptune in Pisces enabling all and sundry to spin all kinds of tales that no one is listening to anymore. Mercury in Scorpio wants to blab to everyone that “those guys” are commiserating to make everyone miserable while we sit back and make popcorn and watch the debacle. What a silly situation to be in when there is so much important work to be done (again, “according to whom?”)! This is where we can get off the wild ride and make those changes ourselves. We’re looking at a different form of independence now, and being free of the shackles of gridlock, red tape and closed agencies is indeed happy-making stuff.

This week will be the sort of last nerve of everyone and next week we should start to see some movement toward the greater good, with or without a miracle. This can’t happen without each of us making sure we’re clean and above board before we decide to join any crusades. While things seem to be black or white, they’re actually quite convoluted and tangled up in a mess that resembles the Gordian Knot. This entire effect comes down to our personal lives, our own ethics. It’s a powerful time, so very uncertain and filled with relentless blows to many people that a different modality must be implemented in order for us to feel something has been accomplished.

I am speaking in very general terms but on several levels…personally, within one’s relationship, job or family, organization or group. What are we saying to each other and to the world? Not that the world is listening. It’s watching. What will we show them? We’re now a source of entertainment on the world stage.

Having gotten past the Syria situation for now, next week’s aspects turn toward more favorable so let’s get through this week and do what we feel is necessary then watch to see what happens next week. The intensity is beginning to break up and we’ll all breathe easier.



Libra (September 22 – October 23): Life stuff just keeps happening, and your work/financial environment is still the focus, with three planets in that sector of your solar chart. Saturn in that sector is taking the edge off of the Pluto/Uranus square that’s been dogging us for so long, so if you are occupied with a cause or strategy for getting around the government shutdown, you’re probably seeing some headway. Your Ruler Venus will move into your sector of Thinking/Communicating this week and will spark your ability to spread the word about whatever it is you’re involved in. When life isn’t fair, you’re one of the avenging angels that shows up and gets stuff done.



Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Venus leaves your sign this week and moves into your sector of finances; you may be considering an investment or taking a risk in some way; in these times of chaos, you’re ready to blow off the walls around you and charge out to stake your claim. This is not a bad thing, as long as you’re not betting more than you can afford to lose! Saturn and Mercury are conjoined in your sign, so your power of persuasion will be very strong. Back it up with documentation/proof. If you feel you have to convince yourself though, don’t do it. The energy of the water sign trines is one of flowing, not damming. All in all it looks like a pretty good week for you in most ways.



Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Esteem-building Venus sails into your sign this week, igniting those creative embers and putting you into a good frame of mind for moving ahead. Staying busy is the best way for you to stay out of trouble since being bored moves your creativity in the wrong direction. Look for a lovely trine between Venus and energetic Mars (who is in your sector of Expansion) to get you dancing and others being drawn to you like magic. In spite of these terribly confusing times, you can thrive by distracting others into something fun. This takes everyone’s mind off of the icky stuff and therefore removes the power lock that has descended onto our consciousness.



Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): This isn’t the best one to try and throw your weight around; you may have noticed that folks don’t want to have any more stuff thrown at them. The water sign trine is still very strong, and this calms your nerves greatly, largely because of your Ruler Saturn moving through your sector of Friends/Goals and right now communicative mercury is right there with him. This helps you in terms of discernment and trust as you maneuver through these mind-bending times that has every community in the country split. It’s a good thing you prefer to have a view from on high; climbing mountains keeps you focused and the views are amazing when you are able to see the patterns of movement. In plain English, keep calm and carry on.



Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): A couple of changes throw some sparkle into your week; esteem-building Venus sails into your sector of Friends/Goals, putting you in the mood for some fun and attracting caring folks to your environment. Mercury and Saturn are in an arm-lock in your sector of Career/Highest Potential so you may be dealing with the hassle of paperwork or communication with authority types. Not being the type that has a lot of patience for such things, do try to keep everything civil and get it done early in the week so you can play later! The Moon and Venus will conjoin in fun-loving Sagittarius at midweek so finish stuff so you can kick up your heels into the weekend.



Pisces (February 21 – March 20): You’ve been likely running hot and cold, as is your nature. No matter your outward persona, you have a soft underbelly and your feelings get hurt easily. The reactions range from crying to a tsunami-like rage to diving deep into denial that you’re capable of being hurt after all the work you’ve done on yourself. The planets haven’t been helping in the “love and peace” department with the influence of our society having been thrown under the bus by (fill in the blank). This week will see some action as Venus leaves Scorpio (your sector of Expansion) and sails into your sector of Career/Highest Potential. This will really help you find your voice since she will be in a very nice aspect with powerful Uranus in your sector of Finances/Resources. Time for you to fill the coffers doing what you do well!



Aries (March 21- April 19): Try to hold off anything really important until midweek when the Moon and Venus will be conjoined in your sector of Expansion, both of them in a beautiful trine with Uranus in your sign. Tuesday and Wednesday will be your best days this week. The planets are still, for the most part, pretty messy with some pockets of forward movement so for you it’s early in the week. The weekend also looks good due to the Moon advancing to trine energetic Mars (your Ruler) who is touring your sector of Creative Expression/Children, setting you up to move into the weekend with a grin. Ignore the rest of everything if you can.



Taurus (April 20 – May 20): With your sector of Relationships packed with activity (the Moon, Mercury and Saturn are all there), your week will focus on things you’ve likely hidden from yourself that come flying out to make you reconsider something big. At the end of the week the Moon will conjoin Pluto in your sector of Expansion and help you make a critical decision. The water signs are still supporting you so as long as you’re okay with the uncertainties around you, you’re in good shape.




Gemini (May 21- June 20): Yet another crazy week, but Venus moves into your sector of Relationships and receives some kudos from Uranus in your sector of Friends/Goals; this could make for a romantic interlude or a new and exciting project with a circle of good people. It could also be a wee spontaneous adventure, which you love as long as it doesn’t scare you! Your strongest day this week will be Wednesday, so prepare to kick off. Be sure to focus and not allow yourself to get distracted, otherwise you’ll miss a detail and that will throw a wrench in the works down the line. Stick to it!




Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Jupiter in your sign has now moved out of position to form the T-Square with Pluto and Uranus. You’re no doubt feeling the relief of that, since Jupiter is the planet of expansion and luck; the drag of being at the point of the T-Square really put a drag on stuff. Mercury and Saturn are conjoined in your sector of Home, so you may be engaged in discussions and decisions regarding moneysaving strategies on the home front or exchanging money or goods between family members. Whatever it takes to get through these nutty times! Being a water sign, you’re still heavily favored in the Zodiac right now.



Leo (July 23 – August 22): The latter part of the week will be the best time for you to present yourself to the throngs and be able to smile and mean it. Mars in your sign will send some lovely signals to the Moon in your companion fire sign Sagittarius (your sector of Creative Expression/Children) and this gives you the glittery jitters and the wish to do something spontaneous. The week itself is kind of drab, still a lot going on in water signs and other planets arguing with each other, but if an obstacle has been thrown in your direction, the Mars/Moon trine should supply that spark of inspiration you need. Make yourself available for it!



Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Okay, so this week looks good because of the water sign trines that just keep ringing away. Still, you may have a problem finding your feet because of the lack of any planets occupying your element of Earth with the exception of Pluto in Capricorn and he’s still getting bashed on by Uranus. By now you’ve gotten used to it. Due to three heavenly bodies in Scorpio, you are likely feeling more introspective now, exploring deeper aspects of yourself and your life that have formed a pattern around decision-making/reacting to your environment. Now that winter is right around the corner, reflection on the relationship between yourself and your spiritual orientation will prove to be fruitful.