— from the Office of Randy Gaylord, Prosecutor-Coroner —

At mid-afternoon on Sunday March 31, 2019, an accident claimed the life of a boater at the Cayou Quay Marina in Deer Harbor.  Kristin Kolb, 45, was found face-down in the water near the bow of a 28 foot sailboat that she lived aboard. 

“The accident was not witnessed, but it appears she caught her foot or pant leg on a cleat on the dock and she fell into the sound,” said Prosecutor-Coroner Randall Gaylord.     

A nearby boater noticed her when he walked by and pulled her out of the water and rescue efforts were attempted, but unsuccessful.”   

The cause of death will be ruled drowning pending receipt of the toxicology report.  An autopsy was requested by the medical examiner in Snohomish County to rule out other causes of death, said Gaylord.