— from San Juan County Communications —

ADU eligibility is limited.  The number of detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) eligibility slots allowed in any year cannot exceed twelve percent of the total number of building permits issued in the previous year for new principal residences outside of activity centers and urban growth areas.  Two of the twelve percent (10 percent new, two percent conversion) of the building permits allowed in any one year shall be restricted for the conversion of existing accessory structures that have legally existed for no less than five years.  If DCD receives more eligibility applications than the allowed number of ADU eligibility slots, a lottery drawing will be held.

If necessary, DCD will hold a lottery for ADU eligibility, open to the public, on March 5, 2019, at 11:30 am, at the front counter in the DCD office at 135 Rhone St, Friday Harbor, WA. Results will also be available immediately following at: www.random.org/draws/records/.

Winners of the ADU lottery will be notified following the drawing. Applicants awarded an ADU eligibility slot must submit a complete building permit application to DCD no later than 4:30 PM PT, July 15, 2019.  Building permit applications are available online at www.sanjuanco.com/638/Accessory-Dwelling-Unit-Information. Applications must meet the requirements and criteria of San Juan County Code (SJCC) including SJCC 18.40.240 and Ordinance 51-2008.

If a complete and timely building permit is not submitted by the deadline, that applicant’s ADU eligibility shall be deemed null and void. The next applicant on the appropriate waitlist will be notified by DCD that they are eligible to submit a complete building application either within 150 days of the notice of eligibility or by the last business day of the year. 

If you have questions regarding this process, please contact Adam Zack at adamz@sanjuanco.com, or at (360) 370-7580.