Nancy Southern, who holds a Masters Degree in Social Work and brings 30 years experience in personal growth and development to her practice, has announced that she will hold a four-week class series incorporating Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly referred to as “tapping.”

EFT theory is founded on many of the same principals as acupuncture only without needles. By gently tapping on various key “pressure points” or “meridians”  relief from a variety of symptoms is experienced. It is one of many therapies occasionally referred to as “energy psychology” or Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT).

MTTs are based on a theory that negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s “Energy spirituality” and that tapping on acupuncture points while focusing on a specific memory, sensation or emotion balances the system, thereby neutralizing the negative emotion and the associated discomfort.

Southern says, “By addressing the body-mind, physical-emotional connections, “tapping” practitioners assist students and clients to eliminate fear, feelings of insecurity and/or feeling stuck. Those who have incorporated EFT into their regular habits find they have greater peace of mind, confidence and decision-making abilities.”

The four-week class will be held Thursday evenings, Aug.20 through Sept. 10 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Deer Harbor. Students will learn techniques and methods to access the “inner guidance system and to recharge your batteries so you can access your inner voice whenever you need it,” says Southern.

For price information and to register, call Southern at 360-376-4288 or email . Classes are limited to 10 students.

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