Sharon Abreu captures the message of Spiritual Progressives with "The Left Hand of God"

Sharon Abreu captures Spiritual Progressives with “The Left Hand of God”

"Radical Amazement" can be downloaded by members of NSP or by donations to that organization

“Radical Amazement” can be downloaded by members of NSP or by donations to that organization

Orcas Islander Sharon Abreu sings on the album, “Radical Amazement,” a compilation of songs by various artists, released by the Network of Spiritual Progressives. The Network announced the new work, saying, “‘Radical Amazement’ is a collection of songs by a diverse array of artists, all with a message of love, kindness, and generosity. This is a unique album that blends politics and spirituality across a multitude of genres.

“We at the Network of Spiritual Progressives wanted to create something that would inspire and lift us all up in our work of Tikkun, healing and transforming our world.”

Sharon says, “I’m honored to have my song ‘The Left Hand of God,’ inspired by Rabbi Michael Lerner’s book of that title, in this new compilation of songs compiled and distributed by the Network of Spiritual Progressives (NSP), a group I’ve been a member of since it began in 2003.

“In addition, Mike Hurwicz and I recorded Rabbi Lerner’s NSP song (at his request), which is also in this compilation.

“If you’re a member of the NSP, or its parent organization, Tikkun, you can download the songs free of charge. If not, you can download the songs by making a donation. Or if you’re so inspired, you can become a member of the NSP!”

The Network describes Sharon’s work as follows:

Sharon Abreu is a singer who uses her voice and energy to help manifest a peaceful, compassionate, environmentally healthy world. She’s had the privilege of singing in concert with Pete Seeger and for Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai. Sharon sings in several languages, which come together in the universal language of the heart. She and her partner, Mike Hurwicz, are the Irthlingz Duo, and they run Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education. After reading Rabbi Lerner’s book, The Left Hand of God, Sharon was inspired to capture the essence of the book in a song.

Sharon says, “I hope you get much enjoyment and inspiration from this collection of songs! The release is well timed, providing a healing musical spiritual bath amid the advertising frenzy of the holiday season.