See how the state handles their Master Plan

— from William D. Ruckelshaus Center —

In 2017, the Washington State Legislature allocated funds to the William D. Ruckelshaus Center for a two-year project to create a Road Map to Washington’s Future. The purpose of the project was to articulate a vision of Washington’ s desired future and identify additions, revisions, or clarifications to the state’ s growth management and planning framework needed to reach that future.

To understand how the framework aligns with, creates barriers to, and/or supports the desired future of the communities it is meant to serve, the Project Team traveled across the state, gathering information and hearing from ~2,500 individuals.

On behalf of the entire Ruckelshaus Center Road Map Project Team, we are deeply grateful to the thousands of people across the state that gave their time, talent, and energy to participate in the project.

Please click here to visit the Road Map to Washington’s Future project page, which includes links to the Final Report and associated materials, which are grouped into four volumes.

  • Volume 1: Road Map to Washington’s Future Final Report
  • Volume 2: Workshop Summaries and Online Questionnaire Report
  • Volume 3: University Partners – six research and data Inventory reports
  • Volume 4: Formal letters sent to the Project Team

The Ruckelshaus Center has been getting many requests from people to answer questions about the report and to provide individual organizations with a briefing and opportunity to ask questions. While we want to be responsive, given that the project has ended and due to our limited capacity, it is not possible for us to offer individual presentations.

Again, on behalf of the Project Team, thank you so much for your participation and interest in the Road Map to Washington’s Future project.

  • Amanda Murphy, Project Co-lead, Ruckelshaus Center Senior Project Lead, Assistant Professor, Washington State University Extension
  • Joseph Tovar, Project Co-lead, Affiliate Associate Professor, College of Built Environments, University of Washington