–by Jens Kruse —

Alternative facts.
Fake news.
Very dishonest people.
Enemies of the people.

American carnage.
Mexican rapists.

Fake news.

Very unfair.
Trade war.
Easy to win.
Canadians burnt down
the White House.

The EU is our foe.
Germany is our foe.
Great Britain is our foe.

Fake news.

There are fine people on both sides.
Putin is fine.
Total witch hunt.
A disgrace to our country.

Great negotiator.
Only I
can fix it.
Very stable genius.

Fake news.

A disgrace to our country …


Sweet night,
send me sleep,
and dreams
about words like
facts and truth.

On second thought,
by now,
I’d probably settle for
my normal nightmares.