— from Geri Turnoy, A-OK Coordinator —

Art for Orcas Kids (A-OK) is starting the school year off with new talent in our classrooms, and even more exciting opportunities for our students.

Three new teaching artists have joined returning A-OK instructors Brook Meinhardt, Colleen Stewart, and Robyn Gordon. We welcome Alexis Bouchard, Ariana Terrence, and Esther Clark. Each of these talented artists brings a variety of experience and knowledge to the classroom. Brook is a nationally known illustrator who has local commissions all around town. Artist Robyn Gordon also works at Kaleidoscope. Colleen Stewart is the garden keeper with “Farm to Classroom.” Alexis studies Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arranging) and is travelling to Japan with her Ikebana class in October. In addition to art, Ariana is a farmer who provides vegetables for sale at Buck Bay Shellfish. And Esther is a licensed captain and has taught sailing.

Within many of the weekly hands-on art classes in grades K-5, A-OK will provide Art Literacy instruction. These units allow for overview of a specific artist or art topic. Students will be introduced to the vocabulary, elements, and principles of design while viewing, discussing, and analyzing slides. They will also create a project that reflects their learning throughout the unit. This year, the Art Literacy units will focus on Georgia O’Keeffe, Pop Art, the art of NW Coastal Indians, Diego Rivera, and quilting.

A-OK is also in the Middle School. Here students will choose from a variety of A-OK Art Exploratories. Classes are as varied as the interests of the students: candle-making, ceramics, mixed media, and drawing — just to mention a few.

Finally, we are happy to announce that with an A-OK grant, artist Brook Meinhardt just finished the first of three Washington State Arts Commission (ARTSWA) Teaching Artist Training (TAT) Labs. The TAT Labs support teaching artists’ capacity to partner effectively with K-12 schools and teachers. A key focus of the program is on developing strong learning plans, with clearly articulated arts learning goals, assessment criteria, and formative assessment techniques. The knowledge Brook will acquire over the next seven months will be shared with all of our teaching artists.

A-OK is proud of the work we are doing in our schools to bring art to children. We cannot do what we do without the support of our community – particularly OICF and OIEF. (A-OK is a program under OIEF.) Thank you for supporting art instruction in our public schools. We have only just begun our work for this school year, but we know great, creative things will be happening in classrooms across the campus. For more information, or to donate to A-OK, go to OIEF.org.