— from Jane Heisinger for A-OK —

A-OK (Art for Orcas Kids) will be having their Second Annual Garage Sale on March 16 at the school cafeteria from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

We will be accepting items in February on Wednesdays and Fridays beginning on February 6 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. We do not accept clothing, electronics, appliances or books. We do accept most anything else in good condition including small furniture. We have been told that the Senior Center will not be having Granny’s Attic so this is a good opportunity to donate items to a good cause.

We would like to thank Marlace Hughes for her generous offer of the use of the space next to Con’s Pit Stop for the collection of items.

If you have any questions, please call Jane Heisinger at 376-5025.

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