Salmonberry School kids deliver

Salmonberry School kids parade their large store of collected goods to the Food Bank.

By Madie Murray

Realizing hard times were not over for many of our Island families, the food bank board officially launched another year-end fundraising and food drive in late September which continued through December 2012.

The community response was astounding. Everything from money buckets at Woods Cove to pictures with Santa at Country Corner; gingerbread houses for auction by Susie Frank to the Madrona Red Hats passing their hats at lunch, and other generous individual contributions helped the Food Bank surpass its monetary goal of $37,000.

And some real stories are found in the incredible and creative food donations that were received from community members as young as 5.  Here are some examples:

• During the month of December, Pawki’s for Pets held a pet food drive and matched what was received…up to $500 worth of pet food was donated to assist recipients in caring for their pets.

• Children in Sherry May’s Kindergarten class at Orcas Christian School while studying traditions of Brazil, collected “white gifts” such as sugar, potatoes, rice, flour and oatmeal and gave them to the food bank.

•  The Senior Center Holiday Faire collected food for admission to the Faire.

•  Glenwood Springs Hatchery/Long Live the Kings donated 50 salmon.

•  Commercial fisherman Mark Hoffman also donated salmon.

•  Salmonberry School children collected and donated an impressive amount of food items.

•  Forty gallons of freshly pressed cider were contributed by Goldeneye Farm.

•  Countless other business including Doe Bay, Islands Sounder, Islanders Bank, Windemere, Rays’ Pharmacy, Cafe Olga and Chuck Silva’s Karate Studio collected money and food items during the campaign.

•  There were generous surprises by unknown contributors left in the donation box almost every day.

“The Food Bank shelves are full with plenty in inventory,” says Food Bank volunteer Maggie Kaplan, and 2013 looks bright for our food bank recipients. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who gave so selflessly during the drive and all year long.