Thursday, June 6, 6:30 p.m., Old Gym

Students and ready and excited about upcoming concert.

Orcas students are ready and excited about upcoming concert.

Orcas Island kindergarten through 4th grade students will gather in the Old Gym on Thursday, June 6, at 6:30 p.m. for the last school concert of the year. In the spirit of the elementary school’s year-long study of positive character traits, “Character” will be the theme of this concert.

“Our elementary students have been working all year with Counselor Nancy O’Brien and Principal Kyle Freeman to understand and put into action many attributes such as kindness and respect and responsibility,” said music teacher Pamela Wright. “You will see these character traits reflected in the songs we have prepared.”

Some of the songs on the program will include “Character Tango,” “Upstanding Citizen,” “Kindness Goes Far,” “Bully No More,” “Growin’ Up,” and “Do the Good You Know.” The third graders are eager to display their recorder skills as well.

The concert is free and open to the public, and all are invited to attend.