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Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline is a go. What’s that mean for WA?

By |2019-06-19T11:00:46-07:00June 19th, 2019|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News|

The project will dramatically increase tanker traffic in the Salish Sea, and with it the risk of a major spill. -- from -- An aerial view of Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain marine terminal, in Burnaby, B.C. (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP) The international border that runs through Boundary Pass is a line on

Inslee statement on Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion

By |2019-06-18T15:25:46-07:00June 18th, 2019|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News, Orca|

-- from Governor Jay Inslee's office -- Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement today following the Canadian government’s announced approval of the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion.  "The Canadian government’s decision today to approve the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion is alarming and deeply disappointing. The costs to our environment and communities are simply too high. This

NEB Says Trans Mountain is in Public Interest, Despite Threat to Resident Orcas

By |2019-02-25T11:18:00-08:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: Community, Environment, News, Orca|

-- from -- Although the [Canadian] National Energy Board acknowledges the Trans Mountain expansion project will have “significant adverse environmental effects” on critically endangered Southern resident killer whales and produce considerable greenhouse gas emissions, it said [February 22] that it’s in Canadian public interest and should be approved. On Friday, the board delivered its

Inslee Statement on Trans Mountain Pipeline Recommendation

By |2019-02-22T13:51:53-08:00February 22nd, 2019|Categories: Environment, News, Orca|

-- from Governor Jay Inslee -- Gov. Jay Inslee issued a statement today on the Canadian National Energy Board’s recommendation that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion should go forward. “The Canadian Energy Board’s own analysis found that this pipeline would be detrimental to the survival of the Southern Resident orcas, increase greenhouse gas emissions and

Coast Salish Tribes Oppose Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

By |2018-11-27T14:43:30-08:00November 27th, 2018|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News|

[perfectpullquote align="full" bordertop="false" cite="" link="" color="" class="" size=""]U.S. Tribal representatives will speak alongside First Nations at press conference and before Canadian National Energy Board [/perfectpullquote] VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA – Indigenous people of the Salish Sea region will speak at a press conference and testify before the Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) on Wednesday, November 28, explaining

Governor, AG Release Trans Mountain Expansion Statement

By |2018-10-04T13:09:29-07:00October 4th, 2018|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News, Orca, Sustainability|

-- from Offiice of the Attorney General-- "We are agree with the federal court system in Canada that further assessment of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project is necessary. Because this project will result in a seven-fold increase of oil tankers departing from British Columbia ports, we must have a clear assessment of the potential

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Island Leaders in Canada and US Call on Prime Minister to Abandon Trans Mountain Expansion

By |2018-09-06T12:09:41-07:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Environment, Government/Politics, News, Orca, Sustainability|

-- from San Juan County Communications -- VICTORIA - In light of the Canadian Government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain Pipeline and stated commitment to expanding it despite a court ruling quashing the expansion permit, elected representatives from the islands in the Salish Sea, on both sides of the Canadian-U.S. border, have written an open

Canadian Appeals Court Quashes Construction Approvals for Trans Mountain

By |2018-08-30T11:48:54-07:00August 30th, 2018|Categories: Environment, News|

-- from CBC News -- In a stunning blow, the [Canada] Federal Court of Appeal has quashed the government's approvals to build the Trans Mountain expansion project — a major victory for Indigenous groups and environmentalists opposed to the $7.4-billion project. In the decision released Thursday, and written by Justice Eleanor Dawson, the court found the

Islanders’ Opposition to Trans-Mountain Pipeline Voiced

By |2015-08-22T22:46:15-07:00August 23rd, 2015|Categories: Business, Education, Environment, Government/Politics, News, Sustainability|

-- from Shaun Hubbard for SJ Islanders for Safe Shipping -- 16 months after applying and being accepted to comment, and after many delays and extensions on Canada’s part, San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping just submitted our letter to Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) asking them to reject the Kinder Morgan pipeline saying: “We

Guest Opinion | Energy transition, the bigger picture, Part 1 of 3

By |2024-09-16T14:17:57-07:00September 15th, 2024|Categories: Community, Environment, Guest Opinion, News|

||| FROM ED SUIJ ||| A few notes regarding the excellent recent article by Richard Heinberg about energy transition, which was published HERE a couple weeks ago. We will have a closer look at: urgency, energy descent, population and steps 1-7. Urgency  Let’s take a look at where we are in the current effort at

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