Thanks to the children of Orcas, the Library Fair poster contest was a great success, with over 80 entries. To celebrate this year’s library fair (which takes place on August 12th), the winning entries will be displayed alongside a collection of past Fair posters on the library’s walls during the month of August. The posters that earned honorable mentions, along with many other entries, will also be displayed.

In the 13-18 year category, the winner is Sofia Mahony-Jauregui. The honorable mentions are: Lucy Troxel, Angelo Vaccarella, and Isabel Boyd.

In the 1-12 year category, the winner is Zinnia Crothers. The honorable mentions are: Layla Cahalan, Thea Colomby, Wyatt Thomsen, and Ardea Vandernewton.

Congratulations to all who took part! See you at the Library Fair!


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