Friday, February 19

Antoinette Botsford tells Haitian Stories at the Senior Center at 12:15, right after the lunch to encourage donations for Rosedanie Cadet’s Haitian project. “Though I have never been there, the Haitian stories touched me, and perhaps fed the “Creole” part of my own heritage,” Antoinette says.  Middle schoolers encouraged to bring a significant elder, but all are welcome.

“Noises Off” presented by the Actors Theater at the Grange. Considered by many to be the best farce written in the past hundred years, ‘Noises Off’ features a cast of locals and is directed by Doug Bechtel.  Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s and at the door.  All performances start at 7:30 pm. Call Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.

Saturday, February 20

Friends of the Library Winter Book Sale, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Great literature, great information, great bargains!

“Noises Off” presented by the Actors Theater at the Grange. Considered by many to be the best farce written in the past hundred years, ‘Noises Off’ features a cast of locals and is directed by Doug Bechtel.  Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s and at the door.  All performances start at 7:30 pm. Call Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.

Off Islanders Improv Group performs at Doe Bay Resort (Yoga Studio) at 7 p.m. Tickets are $1, children $.50 –376-2291.

Academy Chamber Orchestra with Oliver Aldort, Solo Cello. The Northwest’s premier youth orchestra featuring musicians aged 13-21. Also featured will be Oliver Aldort conducting a comoposition by his brother, Lennon Aldort.  7:30 p.m. at the Orcas Center. Tickets are $25, $17 for Orcas Center members, and $11 for students. Order online at or call 376-2281.

Sunday, February 21

Seed and Plant Exchange at West Sound Hall, 2 to 6 p.m. Bring pens, envelopes, bags and baggies for use.