— from KIRO7.com —

A 71-year-old Snohomish woman is on a hunger strike to raise awareness about starving orcas in Puget Sound.

Thursday marks day 11 of Lanni Johnson’s 17-day fast and she’s starting to feel weak. 

“My body says, what are you doing?” Johnson said. 

Johnson said it’s worth it. She’s raising awareness about the dwindling orca population with her friend, Phil Myers, who’s dressed in an orca costume. The two have been protesting at the Washington State Capitol since April 1.

Puget Sound’s orca numbers are plummeting and have hit a 30-year low of just 74 animals. 

“It makes me cry, you know, it’s that upsetting,” Johnson said. 

Seven killer whales died in 2017. Last year, we lost J-50 and the world watched for weeks as J-35 carried around her dead calf, which inspired Johnson to fast.

“I chose 17 days to emulate Tahlequah, who carried her dead baby for 17 days last summer,” she said. 
